Valencia Dental Care



I haven’t been to the dentist in seven years because of anxiety. I finally plucked up the courage because I was tired of being embarrassed by my yellow smile. I told him I wanted to clean them, make sure they were healthy, and improve how they looked. 

After the exam, which was discouragingly painful, he told me I had 5 cavities. To treat the cavities and improve my smile he wants to crown all my teeth. I feel weird about that because not only are the other teeth healthy, but this is quite an expense he is recommending. I was seriously wondering why the dentist wants to crown all my teeth without any specific reasons. I don’t have much experience with dentistry. Is this my only option?


Dear Cal,

The short answer is no, this is not your only option. You are wise to be concerned. The first thing I want to do is address your anxiety and then we’ll talk about your options. It took a great deal of courage for you to go to the dentist. After such a long period, it would be easy to just find excuses not to go. You are certainly not alone in your dental anxiety.

There is dental sedation available for patients in your situation. They can give you a pill that will completely relax you. In fact, some people call it sleep dentistry because patients almost always just sleep through their procedure. 

This will not only give you pain-free appointments, but it will also allow you to catch up on your dental work much quicker.

As for crowning every tooth, while I have not examined you, nothing you mentioned indicates the need for such a drastic treatment. You have five cavities and you want whiter teeth, is the way I understood what you wrote. If that is the case, all you need to do is have fillings placed on the teeth with the five cavities. 

Make sure your dentist gives you mercury-free composite fillings, and then get your teeth whitened.

Why Might a Dentist Propose Crowning All Teeth?

I think it would be better if we discuss why your dentist wants to crown all your teeth. Some possible reasons could be:

  • Extensive Dental Issues:

If you have multiple teeth with extensive decay, damage, or structural issues, crowning all teeth may be recommended to address these concerns comprehensively.

  • Stabilizing and Strengthening Teeth:

Dental crowns are known for their ability to stabilize and strengthen weakened teeth. If several teeth are compromised, crowning them can enhance their durability and prevent further deterioration.

  • Restoration of Aesthetics:

Full mouth crowning may be suggested to improve the overall aesthetics of your smile. This can be particularly relevant if you have discolored, misshapen, or poorly aligned teeth.

  • Long-Term Oral Health:

Crowning all teeth may be seen as a proactive approach to ensure long-term oral health. It provides a comprehensive solution to various dental issues, reducing the likelihood of future complications.

Considerations for Full Mouth Dental Crowning:

In case, crowing all the teeth is necessary, you need to consider the following things first:

  • Individualized Treatment Plan:

Before proceeding with full mouth crowning, your dentist will create an individualized treatment plan based on a thorough examination, considering the specific condition of each tooth.

  • Diagnostic Tools:

Diagnostic tools such as X-rays, scans, and digital impressions may be used to assess the health of the teeth, surrounding structures, and the bite. These tools help in creating a precise and tailored treatment approach.

  • Alternatives and Options:

Your dentist should discuss alternative treatments and options, highlighting the pros and cons of full mouth crowning versus other potential solutions. This ensures that you can make an informed decision based on your preferences and circumstances.

  • Financial Considerations:

Full mouth crowning can be a significant investment, so it’s crucial to discuss the financial aspects, including insurance coverage, payment plans, and potential costs associated with the procedure.

Informed Decision-Making:

  • Understanding the Benefits:

Full mouth crowning offers comprehensive benefits, including improved functionality, enhanced aesthetics, and long-term oral health. Understanding these advantages can help you assess the value of the recommended treatment.

  • Clarifying Concerns:

If you have concerns or questions about the proposed treatment, don’t hesitate to discuss them with your dentist. Clear communication ensures that you are comfortable and well-informed about the process.

  • Seeking Second Opinions:

Before making a final decision, consider seeking a second opinion from another qualified dentist. This can provide additional perspectives and insights, helping you feel confident in your choice.

Conclusion – Why My Dentist Wants to Crown All My Teeth?

The suggestion to crown all your teeth is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. By understanding the reasons behind the recommendation, considering individualized treatment plans, and actively participating in the decision-making process, you can navigate the prospect of full-mouth dental crowning with confidence. 

Remember that open communication with your dentist and exploring alternative options are essential steps in ensuring that your chosen treatment aligns with both your oral health needs and personal preferences.

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