Valencia Dental Care



I thought CEREC crowns were supposed to be more accurate because they are milled by a computer. I had a four-year-old crown break so I needed to get another one. 

I was in a hurry and my dentist just got the CEREC machine that is supposed to create your crown in one appointment. When I got the crown, it was way too bulky. I came in again and she could see it was too big in spots. While she did grind it down in some of those spots, I am biting my tongue now every time I eat. Is this technology not what she painted it to be or is something else going on?


Dear Mark,

I think the problem here is more your dentist than the CEREC technology. First, she provided you with a dental crown that broke after just four years. They shouldn’t break, especially when they’re that “young”. That by itself tells me she struggles with some basic dental skills.

Now she has this great new technology. Normally, when you are preparing a crown with the CEREC machine, it is basing it on a tooth that is already there and has been scanned into the program. Because your tooth already had a dental crown and now that was broken and gone, there wasn’t a previous tooth for her to base the crown on.

That being said, the software has the ability for the dentist to design a crown for a tooth that is no longer there. It’s fairly easy to shape the tooth using the software. The problem is she doesn’t know how to do that yet.

You have a couple of options here. The crown needs to be replaced. It also needs to fit so perfectly that you don’t even know it is there. Nor, should you bite your tongue because of its fit. You can either have her provide you with a traditional crown that is made in a laboratory, but again, I’m concerned that the last one only lasted four years.

Alternatively, you could just ask for a refund and go somewhere else to get your crown done. You may want to do this to make sure you get the right crown.

The CEREC Crown Process:

CEREC technology streamlines the crown creation process, enabling dentists to design, mill, and place customized ceramic crowns in a single dental appointment. While the technology is known for its accuracy, factors such as occlusion, fit, and patient comfort may contribute to cases where a CEREC crown doesn’t align as anticipated.

Common Reasons Your CEREC Crown Doesn’t Fit:

  • Occlusal Discrepancies:

Occlusion, or how your teeth come together when you bite, is a crucial factor in the fit of a CEREC crown. Misalignments can result in discomfort or a feeling that the crown doesn’t fit seamlessly with the surrounding teeth.

  • Inadequate Impressions:

Precise digital impressions are fundamental to the CEREC process. If the initial impressions are flawed or incomplete, it can lead to inaccuracies in the design and creation of the crown.

  • Changes in Tooth Structure:

Subtle changes in the tooth structure, especially if there has been any shifting or movement since the initial impression, can impact the fit of the CEREC crown.

  • Crown Material Issues:

The quality of the ceramic material used for the CEREC crown can affect its fit. Issues such as improper milling or manufacturing defects may lead to discrepancies in the final product.

  • Bite Adjustments:

In some cases, the bite may need adjustment to ensure the CEREC crown aligns correctly with the opposing teeth. Failure to address bite issues can contribute to discomfort and a sensation that the crown doesn’t fit.

Immediate Actions When Your CEREC Crown Doesn’t Fit:

  • Contact Your Dentist:

Reach out to your dentist as soon as you notice any discomfort or feel that your CEREC crown doesn’t fit properly. Early communication allows for prompt assessment and resolution.

  • Professional Evaluation:

Your dentist will conduct a thorough examination, including assessing the occlusion, fit, and overall condition of the CEREC crown. X-rays may be taken to examine the underlying tooth.

  • Occlusal Adjustment:

If issues with the bite are identified, your dentist may perform an occlusal adjustment to ensure proper alignment and eliminate discomfort.

  • Crown Refinement:

Depending on the nature of the fit issue, your dentist may refine the CEREC crown by making necessary adjustments to enhance its fit and comfort.

Preventive Measures for Future Fittings:

  • Regular Dental Check-ups:

Attend regular dental check-ups to monitor the condition of your CEREC crown and address any emerging issues promptly.

  • Good Oral Hygiene Practices:

Maintain excellent oral hygiene to prevent decay around the CEREC crown. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental cleanings are crucial for the health of your teeth and restorations.

  • Addressing Changes in Bite:

Notify your dentist if you experience changes in your bite or any discomfort. Timely intervention can prevent complications with dental restorations.

Conclusion: Restoring Comfort and Precision

While an ill-fitting CEREC crown can be disconcerting, addressing the issue promptly ensures a swift resolution. Contact your dentist, undergo a thorough evaluation, and follow the recommended steps for adjustments or refinements. 

With effective communication and professional intervention, your CEREC crown can be tailored to provide optimal comfort, functionality, and a seamless fit, allowing you to confidently showcase your restored smile.

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